In the Spirit, by the Spirit: Unitarian Faith and Family Life in Transylvania


In the Spirit, by the Spirit: Unitarian Faith and Family Life in Transylvania

by Rev. Lidia-Emese Bodor (Guest)

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Emese is a teacher at a Unitarian high school in Kolosvar, the heart and headquarters of Unitarianism in Transylvania (which is now a province of Romania). The Unitarian faith started there among Hungarian speaking people in the 1560s. She is spending this year as the Balazs Scholar at Starr King School, our seminary in Berkeley. She’s also getting to know UUs around North America. Emese has a special interest in Religious Education, especially Our Whole Lives sexuality education and Coming of Age. Don’t miss this Unitarian family visitor!

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