Thinking About Becoming a Congregation Member?

You may be thinking about expanding your spiritual journey through membership in the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento. Joining UUSS establishes a mutual relationship of depth and commitment.  If you decide that UUSS feels like home, joining may be the right choice for you.

Becoming a member involves:

  • Learning your way around the congregation and what it means to be a part of it. Every fourth Sunday after service there is a Newcomer Orientation that includes a tour of our campus and information about our programs and activities.
  • Understanding more about Unitarian Universalism. Every third Sunday before services we offer Exploring Unitarian Universalism. There our four different 45 minute sessions offered consecutively: Principles and Sources, Faith, Social Justice, and UU History. These courses includes both newcomers and long-time members, so they are a great way to make connections. We encourage you to take at least 2 of these classes before joining in order for you to fully appreciate UU history and values. Those who have been members of other UU churches may skip these classes and join UUSS by setting up a meeting with one of our ministers, but we encourage you to attend these classes for your enrichment and to get to know more people here.
  • Strengthening your Unitarian Universalist identity by attending Sunday services and being involved in other ways. UUSS thrives on volunteer support and leadership. You may build connections and develop your talents through service with a committee, participating in social groups, volunteer opportunities, Sunday morning programs or an adult enrichment class. Find out more about these and all our other groups on the Explore our Groups page or pick up a Pathways brochure after a Sunday service.
  • Deepening the spiritual practice of generosity by making a financial pledge to the operating budget.  Nearly all of the revenues that support our programs, staff, and local outreach come from the generous giving of members and friends.  Some people choose to make a monthly financial pledge to UUSS and participate in our programs without officially joining, but the path to official membership is always open.

If you have questions about joining UUSS, please contact any of the ministers, the Membership Committee, or call the church office at .