A Message from Your Stewardship Committee


A Message from Your Stewardship Committee

Celia Buckley (Co-Chair), Tiki Harlow, Andrew Cramer, Rosemary Dodd (Intern Minister), Roger Jones (Minister), Sally White (Co-Chair), Sally Wilkins, Deirdre Downes (not pictured)

Celia Buckley (Co-Chair), Tiki Harlow, Andrew Cramer, Rosemary Dodd (Intern Minister), Roger Jones (Minister), Sally White (Co-Chair), Sally Wilkins, Deirdre Downes (not pictured)

Our annual pledge drive begins on April 7, 2024. We are grateful for your past generosity and we hope to receive a new financial commitment from you to fulfill our mission: We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world. Your annual financial pledge allows us to experience meaningful worship services each week, work toward a more just world, and sustain our community. Our theme this year is:

Committed, Loving, Generous.

This reflects who we are as individuals and as a congregation.

An important focus in the upcoming budget year is to increase the compensation of our ministers and staff members. We are committed to meeting the minimum fair compensation salary levels recommended by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and that requires an increase of 15% to our budget.


We are asking each of our members and pledging friends to increase your overall giving so we can meet that 15% goal. The Stewardship Committee is boldly asking for this generosity on behalf of our congregation so that we can live out our values in support of fair compensation for our staff. Only by working together can we make significant strides towards providing a fair wage for our diligent ministers and hard working staff members. Can we count on you?

We hope you are able to increase your pledge by stepping up to the next level of giving as shown on our stair step graphic.  If you are able to increase your pledge more we welcome that additional help toward reaching our goal. If you have questions or concerns, we invite you to discuss them  with one of the ministers or members of the stewardship committee.

This year’s pledge drive ends April 21. Can we count on you to make your pledge today? You may fill out the online form by clicking here, or a paper pledge form (available at church) or contact our bookkeeper Debrah at (916) 483-9283 or . We are very grateful for your generosity and financial commitment to UUSS. ALL pledges are valued and appreciated.


WHY 15%?

Our expenses have increased.
The cost of living has gone up for our staff members.
UUSS is falling behind the “minimum compensation” guidelines recommended by the Unitarian Universalist Association.

 A budget increase of 15% would enable every employee to receive at least the minimum recommended compensation.