Email Changes


Email Changes*
* for the better :)

It was a good time to clean up the emails and fix some of the confusing ways we have been doing things. I (Dirk) met with Stanton and we ran our ideas by Lucy and this is what we came up with:

  • Every “group” in the church has it’s own email address – These are displayed on their group page (and in pathways eventually).

In the past we’ve had some be addresses and some be personal addresses. Now it’s all the same and it’s easy to figure out who to email to contact a group (for our visitors and our members). Also it is simple for Stanton to update.

  • Any mailing list being used by a group will have the name

There has been confusion in the past when we have two email addresses for a group and it’s not clear which is the mail list. Now Stanton or anybody can look at the address and know what it is for.

Questions to
