UUSS Ministry Circles FAQs

What are the UUSS Ministry Circles and what goes on?

They are groups led by a UUSS leader/facilitator based on the concept of UU Small Group Ministry, also called Covenant Groups. An excellent website is: www.smallgroupministry.net Members and friends gather to reflect on spiritual/ethical/moral questions and life issues, support one another in spiritual growth, build community, and serve the mission of the congregation.

Who may join a UUSS Ministry Circle?

The Circles are open to all. There is no screening or selection process, although if a Circle has 10 or so members, they may not be able to accommodate any more.If this happens, which isn’t often, every effort will be made to find another group for you, create a waiting list, or see if it would be feasible to form a new Circle.

What expectations come with being a member?

There are certain commitments that members agree to observe, and to formalize their understanding, members sign a Covenant. The Covenant describes how members want to relate to each other. A copy of the current Covenant is available upon request.

Are there dues? Are donations requested?


How often do they meet?

At UUSS, each Circle sets its own schedule, generally meeting twice a month. Some break for all or a portion of the summer. Some of the Circles have been meeting for many years; some are relatively recent.

When can I join?

After speaking with a facilitator you can join at the next meeting. A Circle is never “closed” to new members, so you can start at any point in the year.

Can I just drop in or visit a Circle to check it out? How do I know which group is right for me?

Sorry, Circles are not drop-in discussions. It is not a therapy program, yet confidentiality is important to build trust and intimacy. If you feel you are ready to join a circle, the circle you join will be ready to welcome and support you.